Tuesday, November 18, 2014


It's a little late for a Halloween post, but why not. Halloween consisted of candy we shouldn't have eaten, pizza, movies and of course a lot of fun. The week before our ward did a trunk-or-treat. This was a whole new experience for me because trunk-or-treats didn't happen in my ward or area. At first I felt kind of funny for going and not having a kid to take around, but we made the best of it.
 I was having the hardest time trying to figure out what we wanted to dress up as with a low budget. My sister Andrea gave us the awesome idea of going as 80's people cause of our big hair that we needed to take advantage of.
The items we used were:
Goodwill:                 Walmart:
Tapes                       Tinsel
 Records                   Michaels sweatshirt & Glasses
                                 Pink posterboard
                                 Pink Spray paint
                                  My Leggings and Shoes
We already had his pants, his shoes, my shirt, and my hair bow.
I didn't really know how this was all going to turn out, but it turned out pretty good. There was a carnival before hand so we took that time to decorate our car in the parking lot. We had the hardest time getting everything to hang. There was a lady next to us that did her whole car in the amount of time that we got the tinsel to hang! We came back in just in time for the people to go out and judge the trunks! It was my goal that all I wanted was just to win this ;) and we did!! We got a massive pumpkin that just sat in our house. (that was the pumpkin that Michael used to cut in his music video for everyone that knows about that )

aren't we just the cutest

Then we had a fun little photoshoot!

Then Halloween day I had to work all day but after we got our annual Friday night pizza, michael drove around to try and find trick-or-treaters for me (I was really missing that) came home and ate our pizza in our light of our Halloween lights and watched A Message in A Bottle. What were we thinking of watching a Nicholas Sparks movie?! It always ends up sad! 
Overall this Halloween was so fun! It is kinda crazy to think that this is our first halloween together and we are married! It has almost been a year since we met! Kinda crazy!
Until next time!
Love the Sauceda's! 

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