Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Glimpse into Sauceda's Halloween

Its officially fall and we couldn't be more excited! Its the time for apple picking, pumpkin carving, decorating and one of my favorites making caramel apples! We have been very busy recently and it seems to all be with school. It seems that every night after I get home from work and Michael gets home from school, then make dinner, its school time until we go to bed which is usually around midnight.
 We have officially bought our plane tickets to go home for Christmas and I am seriously so excited! I have a countdown on my computer telling me how many more days!!
The weather here is perfect which means little humidity ;) That definitely shows that this is the best time of the year.
This post is going to be kind of a short one, but here are a few things that we have to get us ready for fall and Halloween!
Mama Kim and Papa John always go above and beyond on their packages.

When Michael was gone to L.A. I decided to make a Halloween wreath!

With love,
The Sauceda's in St. Louis

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