Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Setting up Christmas!

Well, we finally got to putting up some of our Christmas decorations. Since it is our first Christmas, and we are a poor married college couple, we made do with what we had. I got most of my stuff from yard sales on facebook from around the area!
I was so excited all before Thanksgiving to put up stuff, then the time came when we could and I just had no motivation to put it up for the 2 weeks that we have left here. But it definitely makes our home just a little bit more happier :)! Michael helped with putting the three pieces together of the tree and wasn't really into all the other parts of it. He did the dishes, but I think I got the better end of the deal. :)
We leave for Utah (I can't say home because Michael says it isn't our home anymore)  in about 2 1/2 weeks and we/ more I am REALLY excited! For those that are friends with me on facebook, you already know ! (Sorry about that)
Well here are just some random little things that we have done but aren't worthy enough to make a whole blog post on.
  • I officially am Allison Sauceda and got my official Missouri License. I thought it was kind of sad getting rid of my Utah one because when people would ask to see my license they thought it was so cool that I was from Utah. Now just a boring old Missourian. 
  • We got Mannheim Steamroller Tickets at the Fabulous Fox Theater for December 9th ( I will most likely be doing a blog post about that though).
  • Michael went and played indoor soccer with some people from the ward and he loved it. We need to find more groups of people that do sports and other things like that. That is all up Michaels alley. He unfortunately doesn't have a wife that is very into that, but if he ever wants to scrapbook or watch Once Upon A Time, I am all there. 
  • For thanksgiving we had dinner at our friends house and it was her first thanksgiving ever and she did a FABULOUS job!! We are seriously so grateful that we have awesome friends that are willing to invite us over to their house and cook a whole meal for us. So thank you again Grovers!! (This should have its own blog post, but I don't have pictures and who likes a blog post without pictures?! )
  • We both just started the first of our last two weeks of the semester and we are both SO ready to have a break!

Well, that is about it. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy of us setting up Christmas in our home!

He was so proud

Setting up the lights. Here is a good picture of the windows that we have in our living room. There are 6 of these windows that line one wall of our living room then two on the other wall. It gets a little chilly in our apartment. 
Michael got stuck behind the bookshelf.. such a cute little man
I got this snowman for $5!!

Here is the finished product. 

Well, I hope I didn't bore you too much :) Hope you guys all have a fabulous Christmas season and try to have a more Christ centered Christmas! 
First step is to watch this awesome short little video!! You wont regret it :)
Love the Saucedas In St. Louis!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


It's a little late for a Halloween post, but why not. Halloween consisted of candy we shouldn't have eaten, pizza, movies and of course a lot of fun. The week before our ward did a trunk-or-treat. This was a whole new experience for me because trunk-or-treats didn't happen in my ward or area. At first I felt kind of funny for going and not having a kid to take around, but we made the best of it.
 I was having the hardest time trying to figure out what we wanted to dress up as with a low budget. My sister Andrea gave us the awesome idea of going as 80's people cause of our big hair that we needed to take advantage of.
The items we used were:
Goodwill:                 Walmart:
Tapes                       Tinsel
 Records                   Michaels sweatshirt & Glasses
                                 Pink posterboard
                                 Pink Spray paint
                                  My Leggings and Shoes
We already had his pants, his shoes, my shirt, and my hair bow.
I didn't really know how this was all going to turn out, but it turned out pretty good. There was a carnival before hand so we took that time to decorate our car in the parking lot. We had the hardest time getting everything to hang. There was a lady next to us that did her whole car in the amount of time that we got the tinsel to hang! We came back in just in time for the people to go out and judge the trunks! It was my goal that all I wanted was just to win this ;) and we did!! We got a massive pumpkin that just sat in our house. (that was the pumpkin that Michael used to cut in his music video for everyone that knows about that )

aren't we just the cutest

Then we had a fun little photoshoot!

Then Halloween day I had to work all day but after we got our annual Friday night pizza, michael drove around to try and find trick-or-treaters for me (I was really missing that) came home and ate our pizza in our light of our Halloween lights and watched A Message in A Bottle. What were we thinking of watching a Nicholas Sparks movie?! It always ends up sad! 
Overall this Halloween was so fun! It is kinda crazy to think that this is our first halloween together and we are married! It has almost been a year since we met! Kinda crazy!
Until next time!
Love the Sauceda's! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Fun filled farm day

Eckerts family farm was just as fun as I had heard. These 3 farms are very well known around the  St. Louis area, so we decided to go to Millstadt farm in Illinois. We went on Tuesday of fall break and there were about 6 cars there including ours. It was the perfect time to go. Although all the carnival rides weren't going on and other things that would have been on during the weekend, it was still so cute and fun. I read a list of things to do in the fall and apple picking on the list and I was determined to do it. Thank goodness I have a husband that is willing to do anything! It took us about 3 weeks to get there but we finally made it. About the only thing that was open was the petting zoo and there were some funky looking animals in there but Michael had fun feeding them.

Sorry for all those photos! But we had a great time! 
Love the Sauceda's in St. Louis

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fall Break

This fall break was very much needed in our home. Although, since I am doing online school it didn't seem like much of a "break" to me ;) but Michael enjoyed the little break. We first started it off by setting up decorations that we got from Mama Kim and my mom, lighting yummy smelling candles (even though Michael can't smell it, learned a big lesson that you can't buy cheapy candles and hope for them to smell) and making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies! 

Saturday we wen't to the zoo the second half of the day and even though it was a little cold, and we only saw one part of it, this made me realize how awesome it is to live here! We have so many free activities to do within 30 minutes of us! 

Michael saw this Raccoon across the street from the zoo at a park! 

Sunday was a very fun filled day! Wen't to church, of course took a Sunday nap, home teachers, 5 minutes after the home teachers left, the missionaries came over for dinner, then wen't to a friends house an hour later to make caramel apples with a few of the other couples in the ward. Michael and I have to admit that this day was probably one of our favorites over the break just because we got to interact a lot of people which we don't get to do a lot as a couple! 

 Monday I had to work all day, but that wasn't us stopping us from all the fun festivities :) So I came home, we made muddy buddies, built a fort, moved our mattress into the living room and watched a Halloween movie in our fort with our halloween lights on! I lasted for about 20 minutes of the movie, but Michael said it was fun!

Our very very simple fort! 

Although these don't look to good, they were delicious! For some reason I cannot make them stay white! 
 Then on Tuesday I didn't work, so we decided to drive to Eckerts farm in Illinois, but that will have its own blog post :)

Until next time!

Love the Sauceda's in St. Louis! 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Old town St. Charles

A couple weekends ago, my co-worker Brittany got married! The wedding, reception hall and of course the bride was all gorgeous! As Brittany and I would talk about her wedding at work, it really made me realize that weddings in Utah vs. weddings everywhere else are totally different! Michael and I were in for a treat according to what she had told us.

The day before the wedding was rainy and the day after was rainy, but the day of was just  cloudy and a little cold, it made for a perfect day! We went to the wedding ceremony but then had 4 hours in between before the reception, so Michael and I decided to explore a little bit. :) St. Charles where the wedding and reception was held, is about 30 minutes away from our house so we wanted to stay in that general area. We had heard about a fun place called Old Town St. Charles. We wen't there during the break and it is the cutest thing ever. Old cobble stone roads, cute little shops on both sides of the street, and the Missouri river lining it. Seriously people, the cutest thing ever! If anyone comes and visits us out here, we will definitely have to take you here.

Did I already say I loved this little town ;)

Michael took this picture, and I think it is quite cool. 

I like this picture because it is close to my nephew Bradens name :) 

By the Missouri River

This is how lots of the shops looked! It kind of felt like I was in Boston a little bit. 

There was this train track that was by the Missouri River. (Excuse the cheesy face)

Michael by the Lewis and Clark Statue

In this shop there were a bunch of jams, dipping sauces and obviously hot sauce. Michael and  I thought this was a pretty funny one. 

Then we got tired of the cold and decided to do a little shopping! :) Michael and I both got warm hats, glove and scarves from the Burlington Coat Factory. It was time for the reception and it was nothing short of fun. It was very fun seeing all of my co-worker and bosses in a different atmosphere. Michael and I had a very fun time and are loving all of our many adventures that we are getting and making here in good ol St.Louis!

Until next time!
Love the Sauceda's in St. Louis!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Disney on Ice Date Night!

A couple of weeks ago, Michael and I were slammed with school and work, so we decided that we needed a date night. I drive by the Chaifetz arena (The slu basketball arena where big concerts are held) everyday to and from work and I kept seeing the advertisement for Disney on Ice. We kept saying we wanted to go, but we never got around to buying the tickets. A couple of days later Michael asks what I am doing that Saturday? Well he had bought tickets to go see Disney on Ice. I was beyond excited! We were both like little kids when we got there. I think we may have been the only people there without a child with them, but it was super fun to see all the little girls dressed up in their princess costumes.

We were a little excited! 

This show was amazing! I was kind of scared at first that it would be kind of kiddish but I was in awe and had chills the whole time. Anything Disney has to be awesome though.

The video above was one of Michael's favorite number. This just shows you how the whole show went.
These are all the princesses and heroes. What tinker bell is in, is Cinderellas carriage and it was awesome!

Then we ended the night by going to the Fountain on Locust right by our house. It has AMAZING ice cream and it is definitely a treat. They are famous for their alcoholic ice cream but obviously we don't get that but I have heard it is super good since it is always so busy!

It was fun to be like a little kid again and it turned into one of our favorite date nights! 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Glimpse into Sauceda's Halloween

Its officially fall and we couldn't be more excited! Its the time for apple picking, pumpkin carving, decorating and one of my favorites making caramel apples! We have been very busy recently and it seems to all be with school. It seems that every night after I get home from work and Michael gets home from school, then make dinner, its school time until we go to bed which is usually around midnight.
 We have officially bought our plane tickets to go home for Christmas and I am seriously so excited! I have a countdown on my computer telling me how many more days!!
The weather here is perfect which means little humidity ;) That definitely shows that this is the best time of the year.
This post is going to be kind of a short one, but here are a few things that we have to get us ready for fall and Halloween!
Mama Kim and Papa John always go above and beyond on their packages.

When Michael was gone to L.A. I decided to make a Halloween wreath!

With love,
The Sauceda's in St. Louis