Monday, October 12, 2015

Life According to my Phone

School and life has taken over and blogging has not been included. So here are a few RANDOM photos from my phone that have described our lives recently. :) 
I got out of Nursery and got put back in Primary but this time with Michael! We teach the most ADORABLE KIDS EVER!!! 
This is how we spent some of conference. (it is so hard for us to stay awake) maybe we should eliminate the blankets and couch :) We only slept for maybe 5 minutes each though. 

We have very healthy smoothies almost everyday. Some days are better than others :) 

First Michael got a very much needed hair cut

We have had to figure out how to work our not so nice oven and this was after 2 minutes of them being in the oven. Yes I slaved over homemade rolls for 2 days and all of them were ruined. :(
Our yard is still infested with squirrels. yes they have made a little hole for them to get into our garbage and make a mess.
We go on date nights across the street on med campus and take pictures in front of our favorite front building. SLU hospital. We think it is so cool looking! 
isn't he so handsome?!?!?! 

I think this will only be the pda photo you will EVER see, we both aren't very into them so I thought our one should make it on the blog.
We NEVER go out to eat (occasional pizza when we stumble upon coupons) but when we do, it's probably at our favorite restaurants 1. Texas Roadhouse (mainly for those rolls) 2. Old spaghetti Factory

We finally made it to IKEA.
There is a SLU track on our street so Michael runs while I fast walk ;) This is him showing off his sweet shirt his dad got him from California and how weak he was from running :)

Hopefully this little post will keep you updated on what we have been doing. Since Michael and I started school, there hasn't been much down time. We have about an hour during the day that we can see each other and then I am off to work till 10:30. Lots going on and it is keeping us VERY busy!! Not much has happened with the house, we have made it live able and thanks to my dad the walls are all painted so we are doing just little stuff \here and there when we have an empty Saturday. 
XOXO Allie and Michael!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Horrible Blogger

I am officially the WORST blogger ever. This was supposed to be a place where we keep our family and friends updated but, life gets busy and so we will play a lot of catching up to do. :) 
As we were driving to Kansas for labor day weekend, I realized that I have not even blogged about our adventurous trips to Mexico!! Okay, guys this is REALLY bad. That trip was 2 months ago. :) 
I can explain, I have started school and have two jobs and I don't really have extra time, like ever. So little by little, the blog will be updated. Also, I got my first smart phone and unfortunately we never really use our main camera anymore, so those pictures are just sitting there wanting to be blogged about. :) 
This week I PROMISE that I will blog about our first week in Mexico while we were in Cancun. Aunt Mel, I want you to hold me up to this. ;) 
Wish me luck! 

Monday, August 31, 2015


A lot of people have been asking to see pictures of our new place. I understand, but we just want everything to be right. Right now, our home doesn't look like a home, it looks like a construction sight. We don't want people to see the place we call home as a disaster. We want to do good before and after pictures so you can see how much hard work we have put in on the house. Be patient my friends, pictures will come soon. Hopefully this week we will get boxes unpacked and things actually put away so it feels like a home. Hopefully we can have pictures put up by the end of next week. :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Bigger Picture

Right after I had written the post about all the bad things that are happening in our house, the security lady came into my work and without her even knowing, she showed me the bigger picture of things and taught me how life isn't always as bad as it seems. She came in and was asking about the house and  how things are going. So I continue to tell her all the things and she came back with you gotta go through bad to get to the good. Things will turn out good, they wont stay bad forever. That hit me, it made me realize that yeah, we have some problems but if we just came into this house without any problems, we wouldn't have learned the things we have learned. Michael wouldn't have been able to fix 40 burst pipes, or learn how to put in a new water heater by himself, or learn how to patch up drywall all by himself. She had no idea that what she said impacted me a lot, but it seems to be those times where you aren't really searching or hoping for an answer when you get it. This security lady is the most spiritual person I have ever met. Everything she talks about is how Jesus saved her by his grace. How amazing is that. Through her cruddy times in life, she brings it back to Jesus and how blessed she is. She has been a big influence on Michael and my life. (Except for the fact that she wants to put Michaels hair in dred locks and asks me every time she see's me if she can. ;)
Another lady that has made a big impact on me is the shuttle driver that drives around Slu's campus. It's kind of crazy that two ladies who I have met completely randomly have impacted me so much. This bus drivers name is Loraine and she is amazing. If she meets you once, she will remember you forever and will remember everything about you. I sometimes would ride the SLU shuttle just to talk to Loraine. She taught me how to be kind, how to always be a listening ear when you need it. Like I said, she remembers everything, knowing Loraine and seeing her talk to others, has made me want to have that trait. To have the trait of listening and honestly caring to remember. Michael absolutely loves Loraine as well. She is like our grandma here in Missouri. I love these two ladies dearly, and I am so grateful for the random moments where I have met these ladies so they could impact mine and Michaels life. :)
These two ladies have made me see the bigger picture in life. Things always aren't as bad as you seem. With going to Mexico it also opened up my eyes that we are very fortunate to have a roof over our head, these problems are blessings!! This house is a blessing and it came straight from God. .How blessed we are.

Monday, August 17, 2015

The Leaking House

Our house leaks. I swear everything that could leak, does. We should have known when we first found the leaky bay window that that was not the start. 40 burst pipes later, a leaky shower head, a leaky washing machine and the latest a leaky fridge. The fridge has its own problems. We thought it worked when we plugged it in because it sounded like any other fridge sounds like when it gets cold.  So we go to the store a couple of days ago,buy groceries stick them in the fridge and realized, hm.... pretty sure a fridge is not supposed to be hot. Not quite sure where our brains were, but we thought it would be a good idea for us to keep the milk and sour cream in the fridge for a couple of days until the garbage man comes so it doesn't stink up the house. Not quite sure why we didn't pour the milk out, but just bare with us. :)
So, yesterday morning, I come down the stairs and this AWFUL fishy smell was coming from somewhere in the middle floor. Well, Michael had just sanded drywall and his mother told us it had an awful smell, so we just assumed that was where the smell was coming from. So we leave to go to church, come back and the smell had gone away. Super weird, but we just went with it. Michael then decided to put the sour cream and milk in a garbage bag and left it by the door to be taken out. He lifts up the bag and something has spilled and leaked on our floor, the fishy smell came back for a second. We got that cleaned up and then I go in the kitchen later that night to clean up, and I see a leak under the fridge. Well that is weird because we cleaned under that fridge so that spill wasn't from the people before us. So Michael pulls back the fridge and instantly the fishy smell comes back. We found the source of the ticking!!!! (that quote is for my family ;) Well, Michael opens up the fridge to see if it is coming from in there, and spoiled milk just comes running out. Oh lovely, so we have this awful rotten milk substance all over the kitchen floor. Then we decide we just need to get the fridge out of the house, so Michael drags it to the door  (another one of us not thinking) and liquid just pours out as he drags it. Why didn't we clean it out before? Who knows. So then we have a long streak from the kitchen to the doorway of spoiled milk. Then we realize the fridge can't fit out the back door so there it sits while we clean up this mess frantically so it doesn't get in the cracks of the baseboards or wood floor. We got it all cleaned up with a lot of bleach and a lot of scrubbing so now the kitchen smells like bleach and the lingering smell of rotten fish. :) It was times like those that in the moment we were thinking nothing right has gone on with this house!!! But I look back on it and can't help but just laugh.
We just bought our first big appliance a brand new stainless steel fridge in hopes that that carries us for the rest of the time while living there and for future renters. Oh the joys of being a house owner and for being an adult and dealing with things instead of letting your parents or apartment maintenance guy  handle them. :)
Hope you enjoyed our Sunday happenings
XOXO Sauceda's from Saint Louis!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Move

Today was the big day for packing up our apartment. It has been full of mixed emotions. This place was the place where Michael and I shared our first year of marriage. This apartment was our home away from home. It served us as a place where we felt safe from the outside world aka drunks and rioting in the streets. This place holds a lot of memories. It has seen a lot of tears but also a lot of laughter. It has only been one year in this place, but it will be sad to say goodbye. 
We move all of our things over to the new house tomorrow, and we will spend one more night in our apartment before we leave to Utah for a month and a half. 
I have always had a hard time throughout my whole life of the thinking that the grass is always greener on the other side. That is something that I have to work at constantly. There were lots of times where I hated this place. I wanted to move closer to friends, or just away from this place. Because whenever you walked on our carpets your feet were black and sticky, we didn't share walls with anyone but the doors were so thin that you could hear every word  from peoples apartment while walking down the hall(hearing many things we didn't want to hear), we had to pay 1.50 per load so $3.00 for a wash and dry of laundry and the list goes on. But, this place was our home. I worried so much about the things I didn't like that it inhibited me from living in the moment and being happy with where I am at. This place was where I did my first year of cooking, it was in this home where I have learned amazing lessons and learned to live away from family and all friends, our living room held many dance parties and movie nights. Someone in their testimony at church today said, if you go looking for something, you will find it. That really stuck out to me, If I keep looking for the negative things in life and look at what others have and wish I had it, I will find the negativity and my life wont be happy.  
So as Michael and I move on to the next phase of our life as new homeowners, I will strive to look at how much greener my side of the grass is. I will look at the quarky things that our house has and find it unique instead of a burden. I challenge everyone reading this post to find ways in your life that maybe you could look for the positive and be content. I know that when I have done it, I have been a lot happier and get more joy out of life.
XOXO Sauceda's from St. Louis! 

Thursday, July 2, 2015


As everyone basically knows, we bought a house this last week. We had found a house right around the corner a couple of months ago, but it was gone before we could even look at it. We were very sad about it because the location is perfect, literally perfection. It is about a 5 minute drive from our old apartment, so we will stay in the same ward which we are happy about. Then one day I randomly looked at zillow around the area and I found our baby for super cheap. It was seriously crazy because I never look at zillow. So the second I saw it, I called Michael and we were on our way to go look at it. It had been on zillow for less than 1 day when I saw it. So we lined up Raymond the Realtor and got going. Literally a couple weeks after we found it, we were signing paperwork to put in an offer. The listing price was low because the seller knew that there was a lot of work to do. We knew that we had to have a good offer because there would be people coming in with cash offers and just wanting to flip it and sell it. That was one of the hardest weekends just waiting not knowing if we were going to get it or not.
  Well, clearly we did and we were so excited. The day we closed, we were in the house working. That night we were greeted with two leaks in the bay window, this was only the beginning.
this was the result of the two leaks. 
Michael has a couple of left, but he fixed 30 burst pipes on all three floors. ALL THREE FLOORS. We thought that this was crazy! The people left in the fall didn't winterize it of course and so no one had been in there all winter. This resulted in a lot of drywall and insulation being ripped out as well. Our floors look like they are white because it sticks to your shoes and you track it all over the house. (gets really frustrating after cleaning a floor and then it looks exactly like it used to ;) ) He looked up youtube videos and other tutorials on how to do it and saved us literally thousands of dollars, his fingers still are super sore and hurt so bad. I am so grateful that he learned how to do it and put in the effort to save our little family money :) Michael says that he has touched all the piping in the whole house, his head has been in all parts of the ceilings. I think it is time for him to get a hair cut because his hair is a mop with all of the dust and drywall up in the ceilings so we have had many cleaning out the hair parties. (Don't worry nothing get's left in there like beetles or anything ;) Well now we know we don't have any scary critters living in our walls. :) These are just some of the holes

You have to look close in this one, but under the box there is a huge hole and then a long stretch of open. This was taken before we found mold because they had overflowed the toilet and just let the water drip down, so about 1/4 of our garage ceiling is just taken out :) 

The living room

The living room

The kitchen 

We went and cleaned up the walls so they will be easier to put drywall back in. :) 

Like I said these are just a FEW of the holes. Now just imagine about 3 or 4 bursts in each hole and you have Michael's life these last 3 days.
Well, I think that this will be all for today's blog post. We have to keep you interested and coming back for more :) There is a lot of work we have to do to it still, but we have so many ideas and we are getting so excited to start and have our first home together. :)
 XOXO Sauceda's in St. Louis!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Memorial Day 2015

So as many of you may know, I love holidays. I especially love dressing up for holidays and eating food that color coordinates with it. :) (I know a little weird) So for memorial day, we went and got blue and red Gatorade, hot dogs, chips, watermelon (our second one this summer and it's only May)etc. Typical memorial day food. I seriously get giddy over doing fun stuff like this.

Don't mind my extremely frizzy hair ;) Not quite used to the humidity here.
Like I said, I love dressing up for holidays. Got the shirt for $5, earrings $3 and bracelet free :) 

Friday, May 29, 2015


Well, I always knew I wasn't the best at continuing things but I made it to day 2 on my friends week. DAY 2!!! Ooopsie....  So I decided to just do a few more. :)
This girl needs her own post. This girl is named Kelsey Norton. She is my best friend and always will be my bestest girl friend EVER.. that is right. EVER!! No one can replace her and no one probably ever will. We get each other, we know each other and we love each other. It isn't some phony kind of love that people just say to each other, it is a genuine love. The love that when bad things happen to her, I cry, I mourn with her. Then when she comes to me for opinion and guidance, I tell her straight up, not lying to say the right things. I do this because I love her. She may not always like it, but I guess being this close of friends you don't want to lie to the other to try and soften it up. I know she would do the same for me. I mean 11 years of friendship will do that to you.
Kelsey is special, Kelsey is kind, Kelsey is smart. Kelsey has had to go through many things that no teenager should have to go through. But Kelsey did it and SHE came out stronger in the end. She is a fighter. She LOVES everyone, literally she hates being mean to people and making them upset so she loves everyone. But if you get on her bad side, you might as well just not try any longer :) :) :) (love you kels) She taught me how to be patient and how to unconditionally love. How to give people multiple chances even when they don't deserve them. She taught me how to be kind and how to always see the best in others. She has taught me how to have fun. We have gone on countless road trips together, many high school dances, girls camps, long car rides to go past the boys that we liked house (come on doesn't every girl do that :) ) We can laugh about anything. Still to do this day a quote from She's the Man "do you like gouda" is our favorite line and anytime someone says it to the other we bust out laughing!! I can imagine her saying it right now. We have the same tastes in a lot of things, one of those being movies. I swear we could watch movies for days and love it.
My parents were big sticklers on no sleepovers but Kelsey's house always seemed to be the house that I could convince them. :) I think I have shared a bed with Kelsey more times than anyone else (well next to Michael) If you guys can't tell I love and miss Kelsey daily.
Moving out to St. Louis has been hard because I miss family and I miss Kelsey. I miss just being able to drive up to her house and just hang out. I miss being able to give her hugs and do have heart to hearts. Phone heart to hearts are just not the same. I miss hearing her stories about boys and her daily tasks. In July, this girl is on the top of the list for me to see. LOVE YOU KELS!!!! Long friendship=a lot of pictures.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Little Piece of the Future

A couple of weekends ago, we got a little taste of what our future will look like with kids.
 A cute mom came up to Michael and I and asked if we would babysit her 4 children for the weekend while her and her husband celebrated their 10 year anniversary. HECK YES! I was all for this, especially because her kids are WAY good and stinkin cute. So she wanted to leave the day I got done with my last final, so this was a fun way to officially celebrate summer! It hit me that oh wait, we aren't these kids parents, they have actual moms and dads that they can't wait to see in the next day. It is kind of funny how we both just got consumed and loved these kids that we forgot that they aren't ours. It was definitely crazy to go from having no kids and having everything be about us, to having 4 kids to take care of over night. It made really appreciate moms and all that they do. They are COMPLETELY selfless.  I love how these kids absolutely adore Michael. It showed me that we are a good combo on I am the one to crack down on things such as making sure the kids ate their food before they had cake candy, and Michael is the one where they go and wrestle and play with. Seeing him hold the sticky 2 year old covered in ice cream, cleaning her up then buckling in her car seat, it seemed like he was made for this!
Like I said above, these kids are amazing! They are crazy, wild but most importantly loving. I loved just hearing all the giggles and the running around going on. It just makes a home feel like a home. 
The oldest boy loved Michael most of all. Anytime Michael would do something, he would do it. Michael was sitting on the coach with his arms folded and he sat down and looked at Michael then copied him. I asked to sit by Michael during movie night, but he didn't want to leave Michaels side. He was the one to ask when we could go wake up Michael in the morning, then that would lead us into going and jumping on him yelling WAKE UP MICHAEL!  Come play with us!! Michael would be the last person to get a hug at night as well. On Saturday night they wanted french toast with whipped cream and strawberries, so Michael was in charge of making it. David was of course right by his side being the cinnamon and sugar man. I loved to see a bond between the two. 
The weekend consisted of a lot of ice cream, a lot of movies, park time, birthday parties, walks, snuggles, and yummy unhealthy food that they can get cause mommy and daddy weren't here. (Don't worry they had fruit with every meal) 
Michael said everyday, man if I didn't have finals next week I could do this for another week. That is how amazing and fun these kids are.
Michael and I were exhausted by the time 8 o'clock rolled around and the kids were in bed.
I am so happy that the parents asked us to take care of their kids because it was a blast and made me want my own kids ;) (not for a while) Thanks Mary and Joe for letting us take care of them! :)

Went to many parks

I thought this was the cutest thing. I couldn't find Hazel so I went searching and here she was just sitting and listening to music. 

 Had a lot of ice cream
They seriously all loved Michael.

 We had chocolate covered popcorn and I look at the two girls and they are just covered in it. Don't worry we brushed their teeth real well that night. :) 
This is the view from their roof and I thought it was SO cool! 

Friday, May 15, 2015

A Few Things About My Husband

So on the blog, we hear a lot about me but we don't hear much about Michael. Michael is amazing. He just got done with his first year of classes in Graduate School.  I don't see a lot of Michael during the school week and it can be hard, but when he tells me what his professors thinks of him it all pays off. His professors love him, literally praise and love him. His first semester, his mentor and other professors talked about how amazing his writing is and at the end one of his professors said that she couldn't wait until she had him in her class again. I think that means good things especially coming from a graduate professor. This semester he has been kickin his butt about getting his thesis proposal done. He finished, turned it into his mentor and she came back with saying how this is the most well written thesis proposal she has seen. She hardly had any comments and said as well how this is the fastest she has had someone finish it. Yep that's my husband!!!! He called me today and said how all the Psychology professors at the end of the semesters get together and talk about each student. His mentor said that professors were raving about him. He had a social cognition class and it was by far his hardest and most time consuming class so far, with a very hard professor and I guess at this meeting he was saying how Michael did so well and was very pleased with him! I mean come on, how awesome is that to hear? There have been many more things with his school that he has excelled in so I just had to brag a little bit. :)
Also he plays racquetball almost every week with a good friend in the ward Dan. Dan also says how well Michael is! Michael has been told he plays like old men (I guess old guys are good at racquetball)
So there is just a sneak peak into how awesome my husband is :)
Love you Michael!