Friday, March 27, 2015

Series of Unfortunate Events.... I guess something called life?!

I have learned a lot about the 4 letter word called LIFE this week. 95% of the things that happened I didn't like, but as my parents say that's life. Life throws things at you that you really don't like, but you put on your big girl pants and you deal with it. :) Never did I think a couple of years ago, that I would be dealing with the things that we have had to at 19 years old, but I made the best decision to get married young and I guess having to deal with this kind of stuff comes with that. :)
I think we both have really realized that car troubles are no fun. We had to get a very expensive gas pump about a month ago, and poor Michael got in a car accident on Monday and insurance is not being very helpful and not easy to work with. Then he went mountain biking that night with one of his friends, and I get a call from his friend saying that Michaels nice mountain bike had broke and they were walking the bike back (it was about dark by then). This was not Michaels day. But even though they are hard to see, we were blessed with Michaels accident. It is amazing how our car looks so great and how the other car doesn't look so great. It's amazing how we could be paying hospital bills and car bills, but we are just paying the car bills. Michael came home that night, with no broken bones, whiplash scratches nothing. This in itself is a miracle, I had a very very strong feeling after he told me that we had special angels up there in heaven watching out for Michael. The other man was so sweet and so forgiving and apologetic. He told Michael that he was in the same accident a while back and his head went through the windshield so we are blessed.We were very grateful that the bike was in the back of the car and broke something in the back instead of on the bike rack that he had on, because it doesn't hold bikes well and that could have flung off when the car spun and hit another car!

It was a company van that he was driving and they were wanting to get a new van anyways.

I drove to the grocery store on Tuesday and two men tried to take the car off of my hands to go and repair it. When I said my husband would take care of it, they then said some very inappropriate things to me and for the rest of the day I felt so violated and hurt. Not so much that they hurt my feelings, but shocked that such inappropriate things were said to a young lady from two men. But that made me for the respectful husband that I have.
We are very grateful for technology and the easiness it brings, but it also brings a lot of problems. I get a text on Tuesday from michael saying that is Macbook cord broke. So if he has it just in the right spot it works, then today, he informed me that his phone had broke. Man!! What is with us this week and breaking things! 
On Thursday I was taking out blankets to do the laundry and I drop the liquid dish soap. The cap then decides to BREAK off and create a big puddle with a stream of about 6 feet. So if anyone needs to know how to get soap out of your carpet, you give me a call. (even though it still isn't out all the way after an hour and a half of scrubbing) 
Also I thought that SUU tuition was expensive, but while looking for nursing schools, I realized that school outside of Utah is so stinkin expensive. But, you gotta do what you gotta do!
Well, even though this week has not been our week, we still have a lot to be grateful for, and with all the things come with a thing we call life, we grow from it and become stronger people. Excuse this post for being whiney and kind of pitiful, but just thought that we would share that life isn't all pretty flowers, it was some thorns that come along, but overall life is beautiful and great. 
YIPEE that it's the weekend and that in a week we will (hopefully) be driving to Kansas to spend some good quality family time. 
XOXO Sauceda's from St. Louis  

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy Happy Birthday Michael Dear!

I totally forgot that I had not blogged about Michaels Birthday a couple weeks ago!!!
Well, 25 years ago, the most handsome man was born into this world in Anaheim California. According to his Granny and mom, he was the cutest baby there could ever be. :) I mean look at him now and just think in baby form. :) That's all I really know about his younger years, so I will just get into the day. He had a big paper due that day and so after he got ready, that's what he was doing.  He was going to be at school all day, so he was working and I decided to work that day as well. I know not much of a birthday, but the night was full of fun. His present from me was Phantom of the Opera tickets at Fox Theater. This was something that Michael had really been wanting to do, so I decided itw as a good Birthday Present.

Writing away

Yeah I realized that my hands are back words, but Michael didn't want to take a picture again so just act like it's 25
Yeah we got the frosting the next day
Side note: We really had decided to celebrate his birthday the next day
So for the Friday night, we were just going to get a pizza and then go to Phantom, but I had heard him say how he has wanted to go to Qdoba so much and we never really have had a reason to go, so I surprised him taking him there instead. His reaction was, oh, I'm not hungry lets just go get a pizza (pizza is my favorite not his). I was so bummed but he got some chips and salsa (his favorite food) and he was a happy camper. He had chips and salsa and I  got my pizza :)

eating his chips and salsa in dominos

Then  we were off to Phantom.  We were on the floor right under the balcony, so we had good seat to see up close to the stage, but not really good seats to see up into the ceiling and stuff. That is one good thing about the balcony seats. The play was so good and I didn't even fall asleep (which meant it was good) so I thought that was a success.
Birthday selfies before Phantom

There's the Birthday Boy!!! 
We got home and he opened his presents.
Poor kid wrapping paper. Plus it is 10x easier to use than wrapping paper

Not much decor, but it is what I could get done in 15 minutes

I love you Michael and I am so glad that we got to celebrate YOU!!!! 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Few Of The Things We Have Been Up To Lately!

There hasn't been anything really big or eventful so I will just give you a quick catch up of what has been happening.
He has been extremely busy with school, and when I say extremely I am not exaggerating.  He always thinks I am, but he isn't the one home alone all the time.
He is almost done with writing his thesis proposal, which is way good for only being in your second semester of grad school, and that is about 30 pages long. 
He plays racquetball every Wednesday night with a buddy of ours from our ward at the SLU gym. 

I got a new job, it is at the yogurt shop right across the street from our house, it isn't a chiropractic office, but it takes me 30 seconds to walk there and it is something to bring us income so we are blessed and grateful! 
I am doing my last semester of online school and am taking a stats class and I actually am doing very well in it and enjoy it!! Weird! 
Next semester I am going to go to Harris Stowe University which is a historically black college, so that should be fun.
I just over a 3 day flu which was absolutely no fun. Trying to work during that time is no fun either! 

Michaels friend from back home Micah came to interview at SLU and so of course he had to stay with us. Of course the night he came about an hour before we had to go pick him up, our car broke down. That night at midnight they went back and forth to the gas station (about a block away thankfully) 5 times to try and see if we had just run out of gas and that was the problem, but it wasn't. I felt so bad because Micah had just arrived, and was out till 1 then had his big interview early the next morning. 
Michael and him hung out the rest of the weekend and Michael REALLY enjoyed that. Since we didn't have a car the whole weekend he was here, we walked everywhere. That walk to church was a cold one.  But $600 later, we have a car. 
 Micah is seriously one of the nicest kids and was so into helping us decide on whether or not to buy a house, car problems, advice about saving money etc. So basically we really like Micah (and his wife Elise sounds just as amazing), and are so grateful for the friendship that they give to us! 

It is the end of our spring break week and we did absolutely nothing. We took 2 trips to Forest Park (about 5 minutes away) to the zoo, and then on Sunday to just enjoy the beautiful weather. I worked like crazy with nanny jobs, babysitting familys in the ward and my other job and Michael was at the school with his buddy Wells most of the week. Then it ended with me having the flu the last part of the week, and Michael taking care of me like a champ. so YAY for spring breaks! 
We are planning to go to Kansas to be with Michaels Aunt and Uncle and their kids for Easter and I am so excited! We both decided we needed to take a little trip out of St. Louis and thought that this would be the perfect opportunity. They are seriously the sweetest to invite and host another 2 people, but we are so grateful for loving family! 
If you guys made it this far, give yourself a pat on the back! :) Sorry this wasn't the most eventful post, but I just thought that I would let everyone know what we have been up to lately. :)
Also cool fact, we have had a viewer from India which is pretty awesome!  (we think it might be you Chris Meek if you read our blog) 
XOXO Sauceda's In St. Louis!! 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Valentines day!

So here is a little fact about me for people that don't know, I love holidays! Any holiday (except for St. Patricks Day) you give me I will dress according to the holiday and I love being festive! Holidays are simply the best! I think that I got my excitement from my mom for holidays :)
This was my first valentines day with an actual valentine and how special that my one and only valentine is my sweet, dang attractive hunk of a husband!! Lots of saying happy valentines day, lots of kisses and hugs were exchanged!! I think this may be one of my new favorite holidays!
Well that morning I was bound to make everything heart shaped or pink/red. So we had pancakes (I attempted to make them heart shaped), we had eggs in heart shaped cookie cutters (okay maybe I just put food in heart shaped stuff) and michael had a banana (way to small for a heart shaped cookie cutter). We listened to Phantom of the Opera the whole day to get ready for this friday when we go see it at Fox Theater for Michaels Birthday! In the afternoon, I went and got a shot for my new job and then came home and had heart shaped grilled cheese (my personal favorite), pink lemonade and  red jello. I was seriously giddy this whole day because everything was just so valentines and so cute!
My sweet husband didn't know you would probably have to make a dinner reservation so we were thinking of what to have. That led us to pizza (also my personal favorite) Michael got us pizza from my favorite pizza place Papa Johns just because he knew I love pizza especially from there. Pizza may be my favorite food so this was the perfect day! We then ended the night with the Lego Movie and root beer floats. I of course fell asleep 20 minutes into it. I woke up a couple of times when Michael would burst out in laughing, so I am guessing he enjoyed it. My favorite part of the whole day was getting my homemade hand written hard from Michael. It was covered in big and little hand cut hearts and it is seriously so precious.
Yay for being married on Valentines Day!
Also thanks to my mom and dad for sending a stinkin cute card and for always remembering us over here in Missouri!

Michaels parents sent us a box of DELICIOUS truffles.

Littlecrafts I made

Heart attached the kitchen.
Not quite sure what is going on with the N

Cute little heart garland on each one of our pillars