Friday, April 24, 2015

Friends Day 2

Lauren and I become friends in middle school and were inseparable sophmore and junior year of high school. We were on the high school dance team together, in band together, then senior year on madrigals together. She gave me rides to dance in the morning if my mom couldn't, she let me tag along to many lunch dates, she taught me how to be there for someone. She always was there for me, sometimes against her will :) We were officers for our dance team where we slaved away many hours for those girls. We went on many Disney Land trips for Jazz Band (I wasn't apart of Jazz Band but my parents somehow become chaperones so I tagged along)

middle school dance baby! 

After high school, we went to Cedar City to go to Southern Utah University. We had many Dr. Pepper runs, or lunch dates. I always knew I could go to Lauren's house if I was having trouble with boys, roommates, anything. She always let me come see her before she would go off to high school dances, she let me come see all of her wedding decor and ideas countless times, she is amazing. I wanted to be like Lauren so much, that we got engaged and married around the same time! ;) Now lets plan babies around the same time ;) jk jk She was there for me when I went through to St. George Temple for the first time. That support meant a lot. She has always been there and I can't say thank you enough to her for always being there for me.
Love you Lauren! 

Tayler Johnson
This girl is amazing. Tayler is one of those friends that you don't have to talk to everyday or see everyday to still be best friends. We met when she was staying at my neighbors house across the street in 6th grade. She was wearing red basketball shorts, a white shirt and glasses. Is that crazy that I still know that?! No because Tayler is truly one of my BEST FRIENDS. She only lived in St. George for a short time, moved to Logan then she moved to Wyoming. My mom went and visited her up in Logan we went to Lagoon together. Then for a couple years after that, we hadn't seen each other. I got tickets from my awesome sister Lindsay to go to a Lady Antebellum concert up in Salt Lake last year and Tayler drove down to go with us. That was the first time we had seen each other in a LONG time. This is the trip where I found that Tayler is my snuggle friend. Which I totally loved! I love to just be able to hug her forever and she wouldn't mind! :) We are a lot alike. :) When I got engaged, she told me right from the start that she would be there for my wedding. Her family drove down from Wyoming and came to my wedding! How AWESOME is that?! She was there for me the whole time while setting up our wedding dinner making sure that I was taken care of.  We still stay in contact and now she is the one dating a boy! :) I seriously love Tayler so much and she taught me how to be a true friend. How to always have your friends best interest in heart and to be there for friends. 

Tayler and her AMAZING parents at my wedding. 


Thursday, April 23, 2015


I laid awake last night my mind running a million miles an hour just thinking. Thinking about how lucky I am to have had the friends that I had and still have. For some people that read my post a couple weeks ago about missing things for friends and missing friends in general, I am sorry if I came across as ungrateful or pity me. I had a realization last night that  I am so grateful for the opportunities and the experiences that I had with my friends while I lived in Utah. I had to see the sadness and reality to realize that I have an awesome life and that I am blessed with the best. I didn't have a lot of friends, but the friends that I had were amazing. I don't know where these thoughts came from last night, but they did and I had an overflowing amount of joy that I had for my special friends! Even though some friendships have not continued and we aren't the way we were before, it is something that I still cherish to this day. I am going to do a post each day for a week of some of my friends who have influenced me just for a way of saying thank you!
 Kelli has been one of my most influential friends. We have been friends since 6th or 7th grade. She has taught me how to be Christlike. She taught me how to be kind to others and how to always see the best in them. I NEVER heard her talk about someone in a way that if they were listening they wouldn't feel good about themselves. She always was looking for people to uplift and befriend. Her laugh is infectious and everyone wanted to be friends with Kelli and I am so grateful I got to be one of those. Her family was and still is an amazing example to me and I am so grateful that I have gotten to know them. 

Love you Kelli! 

Friday, April 17, 2015


Words can be used for greatness, but sometimes they are used as negative things, especially over social media, over notes etc.  Why is that? I am sure everyone has had times where you think, hmm.. maybe I shouldn't have said that. I know I have. I guess that is a part of being human and growing. I have really tried over the last few weeks to stop gossiping, to really think before I speak to Michael and to others. I overheard a group of girls while at work, talking not so nicely about their roommate. From then on, it hit me thinking, gossiping is no good. If that girl was sitting there listening, would she be happy or feel good about herself from what she was hearing? Gossiping is something that is so easy to fall into, and that takes work and effort to stop.
My cousin Sienna has really tried to make efforts of sharing Be a Buddy not a Bully. How admirable is that! One time she put a bunch of uplifting sticky notes on the womens bathroom in her school. How would that feel to walk in there and see all those letters. I think that would feel pretty good.
How come we tend to use words for negative things instead of uplifting and using it in positive ways?
President Monson quoted "Why is it that the [ones] we love [most] become so frequently the targets of our harsh words?"
Lets all try to be a little harder to be a little bit better.
I am going to try and find a way this next week, to reach out to others and use my words for a way of uplifting, and kindness. You never know how much you can change someones day with a few kind words. Share the love. I challenge everyone that reads this to do this with me! :) Words are a powerful tool for greatness. If we use the tools for the right things, we can create something great.

My awesome cousin with her uplifting project 
XOXO Allison

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My mom

For one of my school assignments, I had to write about someone who has most influenced me. The writing isn't perfect, so don't judge. :)
My most influential person so far in my life is my mother. My mother is everything that I could ever want to be. She is loving, kind, caring, respectful, fun, creative the list could go on. But something that I have really admired and that has influenced me a lot is how she treats my dad. She has taught me so many things, half of the things she doesn’t even know, but because of her example it has influenced and taught not only me, but my siblings. Her marriage advice and her experience has influenced me especially in my first 8 months of being married. She always is thinking of other people and thinking of what others need. She has taught piano lessons for 30 years and continues to, has a full time job and was the Relief Society President of our church. That in itself is a crazy load, not including having a family that she has to care for and make dinner for. She taught me how to serve, be Christ like and loving.  The women who has barely any extra time at all, and when she did, it was spent going to things and providing for her children.
She has been to countless dance, piano, other sport events just for me, not including my 4 other siblings. I was on the High school dance team so we had practice every morning at 5:45. Before I had my license, she was the one to drive me. She was the one to be up, get me breakfast and get me on my way.  She was the one to put my false eyelashes and makeup on for many performances. She had no idea how to do the stage makeup, but she found a way and did it amazingly because that is the type of person she is. She has influenced me to be a good mother in the future and to support your children in whatever they want to do. Every one of my siblings and I had different interests, and somehow she was to every event. She showed me that her family and our religion, were the most important things to her. That impacted me and influenced me more than anything else. I was not the easiest child, especially in my teen years and she did nothing but serve and love me. It is times now, when my husband and I may not see things eye to eye, but I think about how my mom and I didn’t see eye to eye on everything, but what did she do,  was she served and loved me unconditionally.
She was the one to teach me how to love, especially in a committed and serious relationship. I can always turn to my mom and she has the greatest advice. Marriage isn’t easy, and you have to work at it every day, so I call her about every day, but she always has something to help me in things that she has learned through her own experiences, or things she has read. She is so knowledgeable about relationships. She has taught me that my husband and I are a team, we need to treat each other as a team, and play together as a team, not bicker and break our team up.
Except for my husband, she has been my rock since I have moved to Missouri. My husband and I moved out here a week after we got married, and we knew no one. My husband goes to grad-school, so that takes up a good chunk of his time.  So I go to my mom for a lot of things that I am feeling and she gives me support and comfort. One of the most influential things she has taught me was I can do anything with the Lords help. I need to do all that I can, to get guidance. I know that this is a school assignment so there shouldn’t be much about religion, but my mother most influenced me in ways of our religion. Of making our religion a part of who we are in everyday life. When we moved here, we were a minority in regards of religion. She always sends e-mails saying “You are a light on a hill and you shine girl”. She always has our best intentions at heart and always wants us to be great.
            She has influenced me in being friendly. She always has a smile, and loves to interact with others. Her friendly gestures have influenced me here living in Missouri, where I don’t know anyone, but with a simple smile, that can go a long way. You can ask anyone in our neighborhood or family members and they can say that they truly love Tracie, without a doubt and she loves them. She just has that way about her and I hope to be like that one day.
My mom had to plan 5 weddings in 4 years. It just happened to be that all of my siblings and I got married very close to each other. Her life for those 4 years were wedding, nothing but wedding. She lost sleep over what the tables or the cake table would look like. It shows how she is so selfless. That is a trait that not very many people have nowadays. That is something that you have to work on, but when you do, you can be someone like my mom. She is so inspirational. After my wedding, we came home for Christmas 6 months later and she had made a queen size quilt, and had done my scrapbooks from when I was a baby to my wedding all in that short time. My dad said that when she had extra time, it was that. She spent countless hours working on things for me and my siblings.
My siblings now have kids of their own, and whenever she has a time to be with her grandkids she will. It has influenced me in showing that hard work pays off. She goes to work all week, then because of her hard work, she can go to my sibling’s house and play with the kids for the weekend, then it is back to work. . She was the one to push all of my siblings and me on piano. She was the one that taught us that if we want something great to come out of something, we have to put in effort.
This is one of the ways that she may not have meant to teach me, but it is just something that has happened. Just a way that her example and her life has influenced and changed me. Because of her hard work, it has given me a lot of opportunities to try and do things that I wouldn’t have been able to do before. I wouldn't have been able to do dance for 2 years, or be in band, be in the madrigals etc. Her hard work influenced me in more than one way.
The most important thing that she has influenced me, is how she treats my dad. I have never seen or heard her raise my voice at him, of course they get in little arguments here and there like any couple does, but I have never heard either one of them raise their voice, say mean things about each other. She has taught me that a wife is someone who loves, cherishes her husband and does everything in their power to make a marriage happy and successful on their part.
To say my mom has influenced me a little bit is an understatement. I have learned everything I know from her. Her example of love, service and hard work have shaped who I am and have influenced me beyond measure. I love my mom to the moon and back and am so grateful for her seeing her potential early, and doing everything she knew she could do to make mine and my sibling’s life perfect.


My moms pride and joy! 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Love Of A Family is Life's Greatest Blessings

Our Kansas trip was nothing short of a great time. It consisted of playing in the yard, bike rides, campfires with smores, lots of laughs and a ton of delicious delicious food. We headed to a very small town in Kansas on Thursday. We are so glad we went because it really showed us that 7 hours away we have family that we can go to! We headed out Thursday and had non stop fun until we had to leave on Sunday. That was a very sad goodbye. We got there and was greeted with yummy Mexican food, a wicked wind storm and we just happened to be put in the nursery (baby is due in about 2 weeks) and I didn't complain about being put in there once. I loved just seeing crib, the rocking chair, and all the little clothes. I am not saying that I want children right now, but I have always love seeing things like that.
Yep, looks like we just had a 7 hour drive

Friday we got up and our Aunt Kathy and Uncle Ray treated us to Sumo a fabulous Japanese  restaurant where they cook your meal right in front of you.
Us with our AWESOME Uncle Ray

Papa John, you would be proud of Michaels after plate. 

We then headed to target and Hobby Lobby (possibly my 2 favorite stores) then we drove to a pond and the kids attempted to go fishing. (they didn't bring hooks, so they were finding ones that people had left) It was way cold and windy, so Uncle Ray, Analysa and I said that we would keep the car warm. ;) We headed to their 1 cute grocery store called Dales. Seriously it is the cutest. Had hamburgers, played out in the yard and had smores. I thought it was a pretty successful day. We were exhausted because we aren't used to playing with kids and having their energy around all the time.
Unfortunately we didn't take any pictures at the pond because we didn't bring the charger and thought out battery was going to die. 

This is a tower where you can go up and find buffalo. Usually Buffalo come closer to the road, but it just happened to be the time when they don't like to so we had to climb up here (very very very windy) and we could see them off at a distance. 
This is with our zoom in lens.

Saturday was the Easter festivities. Gabi one of the grandkids had a soccer game in the morning then we headed off to the Easter Egg hunt that lasted maybe 2 minutes. :) It seemed like the whole town was there (that had kids, and even then there wasn't to many people)

Aunt Kathy is so cute and had sugar cookie dough for the kids to cut out in different shapes and put sprinkles on for the kids to eat. They were so kind and let us make some :)

We all had a nice nap then when the kids woke up, we colored Easter eggs. 7 kids coloring Easter eggs= a lot of fun! We painted nails, played some basketball, Michael and I took the kids on a bike ride, then we had AMAZING ribs and chicken all done by Jacob. Michael said they were the best ribs he has ever had, and I m
ay have to agree.  We painted some fingernails in the warm sunlight.

Easter morning came! The kids had awesome easter baskets, we went to church, came home and had a feast, helped hide the eggs for the Easter egg hunt. Now that was fun to watch all the kids just run to get these eggs. :) This was my first year of being the adult and so it was fun to see the other side.  Michael surprised me with my own easter basket :) He knew I had wanted a hot glue gun for crafting and I guess the Easter Bunny just happened to know that as well! :)

Gabi and I with my Easter basket
Helping Chloe open all of her Easter eggs from the hunt.

Now this guy sitting on my lap was my buddy for the trip. I loved hanging out with this kid. I kept telling Priscilla one of the moms, how do you say no to your children? They are all so stinkin cute I don't think I could say no! Same goes for Analisas children. :) Dang we have some cute cousins!
We headed home after Easter dinner and I drove the whole way. That was the longest I have ever driven so it was a long one :) 
 This was our second Easter together as a  couple and I am so glad that we were able to drive to Kansas to spend it with family! A HUGE thank you to Priscilla and Jacob for hosting a whole group of people at your house, especially to Priscilla who is also on bed rest. They were so warm and loving. This was the first time that I have ever really hung out with his side of the family, (except for at the wedding) so we are glad that we now have family close enough that we can go visit more often :) Thanks again Sibayans and Defiestas for letting us join your party!  WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!! 

This is kinda a long video but it is so cute!