Friday, April 17, 2015


Words can be used for greatness, but sometimes they are used as negative things, especially over social media, over notes etc.  Why is that? I am sure everyone has had times where you think, hmm.. maybe I shouldn't have said that. I know I have. I guess that is a part of being human and growing. I have really tried over the last few weeks to stop gossiping, to really think before I speak to Michael and to others. I overheard a group of girls while at work, talking not so nicely about their roommate. From then on, it hit me thinking, gossiping is no good. If that girl was sitting there listening, would she be happy or feel good about herself from what she was hearing? Gossiping is something that is so easy to fall into, and that takes work and effort to stop.
My cousin Sienna has really tried to make efforts of sharing Be a Buddy not a Bully. How admirable is that! One time she put a bunch of uplifting sticky notes on the womens bathroom in her school. How would that feel to walk in there and see all those letters. I think that would feel pretty good.
How come we tend to use words for negative things instead of uplifting and using it in positive ways?
President Monson quoted "Why is it that the [ones] we love [most] become so frequently the targets of our harsh words?"
Lets all try to be a little harder to be a little bit better.
I am going to try and find a way this next week, to reach out to others and use my words for a way of uplifting, and kindness. You never know how much you can change someones day with a few kind words. Share the love. I challenge everyone that reads this to do this with me! :) Words are a powerful tool for greatness. If we use the tools for the right things, we can create something great.

My awesome cousin with her uplifting project 
XOXO Allison


  1. I'm looking forward to all the nice things you have to say about me next week Allie ;)

  2. Hey I already did! You framed it!

  3. Yes, but that was a few weeks ago. I'm looking forward to next week :D
